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This Provider is inherited from the NeopsBaseProvider, it brings additional functionality to handle checks.

Every Task based on this provider needs a check key where the check result is stored in the database per element.

For providers inherits from this provider the check results are written automatically based on the result set of the pre- and run methods per element. It supports check results, boolean values and handels exceptions.

This provider should be the base for check providers. So if you create a new check provider with, either extend this NeopsCheckBaseProvider or a concrete check provider

Check Result

see below

JSON Schema

Check Base Provider

  • check_key (string): Set the key where the check is saved.

Class variables

If the check result is based on other checks, specify them for trancing.

The entity where the checks are for can be different from the run_on, so specify if required otherwise we will use the run_on value.

Specify on which facts the check result is based on. This enables tracing when and how the values are stored in


process_client_results(self,results: List[neops.core.provider.base.result.coupled_provider_result_types.ProviderClientResult] = None) -> NoneType
process_client_results is called at the end of the run cycle. It stores the client results as checks to the database if the check_for variable is set to CLIENT

process_device_group_results(self,results: List[neops.core.provider.base.result.coupled_provider_result_types.ProviderDeviceGroupResult] = None) -> NoneType
process_device_group_results is called at the end of the run cycle. It stores the device group results as checks to the database if the check_for variable is set to GROUP

process_device_results(self,results: List[neops.core.provider.base.result.coupled_provider_result_types.ProviderDeviceResult] = None) -> NoneType
process_device_results is called at the end of the run cycle. It stores the device results as checks to the database if the check_for variable is set to DEVICE

process_global_result(self,result: nornir.core.task.Result = None) -> NoneType
Global checks are currently not supported..

process_interface_results(self,results: List[neops.core.provider.base.result.coupled_provider_result_types.ProviderInterfaceResult] = None) -> NoneType
process_interface_results is called at the end of the run cycle. It stores the interface results as checks to the database if the check_for variable is set to INTERFACE


A check result contains the result, metrics and a reason for the result of the check.

Class variables

metrics: Dict
additional metrics of this checks, this is a flexible data structure to be used in custom frontends

reason: str
the reason for this result

result: neops.core.models.check.CheckResultEnum
* OK: the check was executed successfully and fullfills the requirements * NOK: the check was executed successfull but does not fullfill the requirements * FAILED: there was an error to perform this check