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Generic Provider to get facts from a show command parsed by TextFSM (but use v2 of this provider)

JSON Schema

Add Structured Command to Facts

  • facts_key (string): Set the key where the facts are saved.

  • command (string): Show command to convert to structured data.

  • run_on (string): Run on Group, Device or Interface. Must be one of: ['DEVICE', 'INTERFACE'].

  • add_facts_to (string): Add Facts to Group, Device or Interface. Must be one of: ['GROUP', 'DEVICE', 'INTERFACE'].

  • jmes_param (string): Add a JMES Path that can be uses as Param in the command. The $1 will be replaced by the content. For executing and parsing the command we expect a list. (access to device facts use facts. as initial key). Default: ``.

  • jmes_interface (string): Add a JMES Path to the interface name of the result for the mapping. Default: ``.

  • textfsm (string): TextFSM Template to parse the show output.

  • slow_device (integer): Add a factor for longer wait times for heavy loaded devices. Default: 0.